Great job to everyone on the performance at the belt test this week!
We saw nice self defense techniques and escapes:

Power generation on bags and Thai pads:

Falling and rolling skills:

and Okinawan karate martial arts kata (forms):

Congratulations to Cassie and Lisa for earning the rank of Hachikyu (high blue belt), and to Nate, Amit and Ken on earning the rank of Rokkyu (high purple belt)!!!
Belt tests are interesting, as it allows the student to validate; what they’ve been learning and practicing, from the beginning to their current level.
The experience is challenging and rewarding at the same time. It’s up to the student, to push themselves during the belt test; as they should also push themselves during every training. Of course, the more we push ourselves; the more we get out of it, (as long as we honor our bodies).
As shown in the photos of the article, a lot of material was covered; however, everyday of training should be like a mental belt test. The student from my perspective, should feel the energy of the dojo and the class; focus, as if they were having a belt test. In other words, be in the moment.
While belt tests validate a student’s knowledge, during training; the instructor closely monitors the student’s progression and knows when the student is ready to progress to the next level.
Lastly, I find it beneficial to train on the hard-wood floors, have full-length mirrors to view my posture/technique, have heavy bags/pads/weapons to test techniques, condition my body, and to keep in mind; day by day I am progressing, as long as I put in the effort to train. All which leads to the “Belt Test”.
The belt test signifies, I trained hard and am ready to demonstrate what I have learned, practiced, and achieved; through daily training.
The “Belt” isn’t the way, the “Journey” is…
Congratulations to the new belt ranks!