In memory of Mrs. Frances Castilonia, beloved mother of Sensei Dr. Raymond Castilonia (founder of Aoinagi karate), and in memory of Sensei Wiley Gary, fellow karateka to Sensei Castilonia and fellow student of O-Sensei Richard Kim, we held a memorial training in San Diego earlier today.
The training was attended by students from San Diego and Redlands, and led by Sensei Neville Billimoria and Sensei Paul Billimoria. We celebrated the life and legacy of Mrs. Castilonia and Sensei Wiley with the katas Aoinagi, Jion, Jiin, Jitte and Matzukaze, as well as with some of Sensei Catilonia’s favorite Aoinagi partner drills.
I am deeply thankful for the legacy those two great persons left behind.

Sensei Castilonia was a great man. May his mother rest in peace.
The color of the belt is not as important as many think it is. If you have the time and money to trained full time. 24/7. Maybe 1 year or so. That is with a very good master/coach. Being a black belt does not mean you can beat a green belt, nor does it mean you have the best round house kick. Ranking are good for business and army training but I don’t feel it is the best area to aim when in training. Once a black belt also does not mean you are a good black belt. Take your time, Karate is for yourself not for showing to other the color of your belt.